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Shoe Porn Monday: From the flickr group

March 22, 2010

L-A: I know, you’re probably wondering where my first Heathers outift is. Well, I’m probably wearing it as we speak. We write this stuff the day before and unless you’re happy with me just wearing my outfit around the house  (I didn’t even need to get groceries today), you have to wait.  And yes, I did say that I’m probably wearing it. We’ll see how it goes when I put it on in the morning. If it’s not work appropriate, then the challenge gets an adjustment to after work or weekends only. You can hate me if you want to, but until one of you starts dressing like a crazy lady for work, I will be okay with not wearing it to work (I promise I will do this, and there will be public outings).

So, as you patiently wait for outfit number one, I give you shoe porn. I don’t actually know this person or know anything about her. She submitted pictures to the flickr group and she has pretty shoes, so we’re sharing. Since we know nothing about her, we’re formatting the post a bit differently so that each picture links back to her flickr page. You know, to properly credit her and stuff.

Shoes made from the skin of an animal who could never hide in the snow. Nov 23: Barely worn shoes
eskimo boots for sarah palin NOV 24: 30 days of shoes
Nov 19: 30 days of shoes IMG00474
NOV 11: 30 days of shoes Kitson Boot
black and blue all over massage slippers from asian market
Ibiza, Spain Red Michael Shannon mules
white espadrilles, burlington coat Nov 27: 30 days of shoes
Nov 12 Princess shoes

Our first pair of cowboy boots! I guess they’re not super popular here in Halifax (is it the weather? the lack of horses?). Although, if you were thinking of getting a pair, the Frenchy’s on Almon Street had a serious collection back in the Fall.

AllyG: I love this! An anonymous shoe porn submission! I hope this marvelous lady presents herself in the comment section to provide some deets, i.e. her fave pair and why. While I don’t know this reader, I do think I would like to have drinks with her. You can tell a lot about a person by their shoes. Apparently, this lady has many sides to her, as do I. I mean, cowboy boots? FAB-U-LOUS. The white wrap-ey, ankle tied shoes gave me pause for a headtilt…

(Oooooh! You’re right, Guest Blogger Jo! This photo does work well for the headtilt segments!)

But I would like to know more about them. Also, I wish I knew this reader last week, because I could have borrowed the white furry boots to recreate this outfit:

Sort of.

Thanks for the submission! I love Shoe Porn Mondays. I’m sending out an official ask for The Capital Fashionista to send us a submission for the next Shoe Porn Monday. She’s our pal on Twitter and she writes her blog out of Washington, DC. Despite being so far away, we share a lot in common. She loves shoes and over the weekend I saw that her and L-A were talking about “brackets”. At first I thought this was a new trend for Spring, but I soon realized they were geeking out together over March Madness. I tuned them out!

Speaking of L-A, I need her to keep her job so she can keep me in Nutella muffins (speaking of Nutella, I received two free samples with my paper on Saturday. Since I was up at 5:30am with the baby, I figured this gave me the right to eat both of them and not share with my husband. Sadly, I did not make muffins with the sample. I just opened the package and licked it out of the container. I know, sexy. El Jeffe is a lucky, lucky man. When he woke up after sleeping in until 7:30am, he questioned, “What the eff is on your face?” Nutella!).  Anyways, I offically release L-A from having to wear costumes to work. This means she will have to find sufficient public outings apres work hours. I trust she will meet this agreement. Clock is ticking L-A, tick tock, tik tok. Awesome parody below!

L-A: Love the puking up glitter. Reminds me of the joke that glitter is the herpes of craft supplies. Seriously. Try crafting with glitter and you will understand. And you will wish you thought of that joke first.

10 Comments leave one →
  1. March 22, 2010 9:12 am

    I am a HUGE fan of your Shoe Porn Monday posts and have really enjoyed the “Dress Like Carrie” series. Awesome blog! :)

    • allygarbs permalink*
      March 22, 2010 1:02 pm

      Yay! So glad you enjoyed Carrie week and heart our shoe porn. We heart shoe porn as well. To be honest, L-A loves any kind of porn, but I managed to talk her out of Knee Fetish Tuesdays.

  2. March 22, 2010 10:25 am

    I am entirely in support of only wearing the Heathers outfits after work and on weekends. Anything that brings me more 80s awesomeness.

    • allygarbs permalink*
      March 22, 2010 1:04 pm

      Yah, I’d feel really crappy if L-A got in trouble for wearing ugly clothes. Although, I would love to be a fly on the wall for that awkward HR meeting. “Um, er, we need to talk about your bold coloured blazers with the heavily padded shoulders. They’re, er, not so good.”

      • L-A permalink*
        March 22, 2010 2:54 pm

        It would be awkward to have someone sit you down to discuss your inappropriate use of brooches and why scrunchies and culottes are not appropriate for the work place.

    • L-A permalink*
      March 22, 2010 2:56 pm

      I can try to make it even more ridiculous if I’m only wearing it out for a coffee. Because it would have to be downplayed big time if I were going to work in it. (As it is, the 80s-ness is getting downplayed because I refuse to invest in four new coloured blazers)

  3. March 22, 2010 12:27 pm


  4. Krista permalink
    March 22, 2010 2:21 pm

    Glitter Puke is both hilarious and apt as a Kesha desciptor. Yes, I’m refusing to use the “$.”

    • L-A permalink*
      March 22, 2010 2:58 pm

      understandable. I refuse to use the word “smeyes”. It will always be “smiling with your eyes” to me. And if I must use it, it will be spelled “smeyes”, not “smize”. (Take that, Tyra!)

  5. March 22, 2010 3:11 pm

    thanks so much for the shout out. i would love to participate in shoe porn. i am honored.

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