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Favourite Friday – July 23 Edition: L-A’s liked you for a thousand years

July 23, 2010

L-A: Welcome to your Friday! I have a new favourite blog and another song I’ve been listening to on repeat all week.

Let’s start with the blog. Guest blogger Ange (and maybe she’ll guest blog again) has started Cahiers du Cinémode – a blog about fashion in movies.  It’s still really new, but I liked it even before it was an actual blog. I know that sound weird, but the inaugural post first appeared on her blog The New is the True, and I dug it then. And I hadn’t even seen the movie. An excellent example of her mad fashion/movie reviewing skillz is her recent review of Reality Bites.  I’m hoping she’ll take a stab at Singles – a movie I didn’t really love, but liked to think I loved, mostly because I’m enamored with the soundtrack. Seriously loved the soundtrack. Could listen to it on repeat for days when I was a teenager. As a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure I did (and probably still could).

My song of the week is an oldie, but a goodie.  Here’s something you may or may not know about me: I had an addiction to MuchMusic in the early and mid 90s. I lived in a world without internet, not much available at the record store and one half-decent rock radio station (the other three were country, CBC and “your favourite hits from yesterday, today and all the best country“. I hadn’t figured out that CBC could be cool yet). I wanted good music, but getting it was hard. And when I did find it, I couldn’t buy it, unless it was from Columbia House. My only music source was MuchMusic (yes Virginia, they once played videos) and then taping all my favourite videos onto VHS and hoarding them. The best part of MuchMusic back then (for me) was The Wedge. The Wedge was my source of awesome music and a lot of that music was coming out of Halifax (I just about died of happiness the day I saw Thrush Hermit open for Sloan).  These days, I don’t remember all the songs, I just remember the names of the bands and liking the music.  So, when I was watching a trailer for Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, I was all “WTF? Does his shirt say Plumtree??”

Scott Pilgrim wearing a Plumtree shirt

It did indeed say Plumtree. Next thought was, “Plumtree was a band I loved in the 90s, this can’t be a coincidence, can it?”  It is not. Turns out the main character of this comic (which I haven’t read. Comics aren’t my bag. I respect them, but I don’t read them) was named after Plumtree’s song Scott Pilgrim. And holy catchy song! I can’t believe I forgot it. Love of 90s Halifax music has been renewed and Scott Pilgrim has been on repeat since Saturday night. Here’s the video:

You know, it’s hard to get too nostalgic for 1990s fashions. It wasn’t all cute and My So Called Life all the time. There were a lot of unavoidable, high waisted, unflattering jeans back then. Regardless, I enjoy the nostalgia and the music. And my soft spot for band t-shirts says I will probably buy a Plumtree t-shirt before the Scott Pilgrim movie comes out and everyone finds out about/remembers how awesome the band was.

And last, but certainly not least of the favourite things this week:

roller skates!

roller skates! more awesome than you can shake a stick at.

Oh yes. Roller skates. I own them and they are the best. thing. ever. M.Dubs asked if I wanted to roller skate in the Pride parade, so I went on Kijiji and found that in all of HRM there was one pair of skates and they were in a size 10.  Me + those skates = MFEO (Made For Each Other). I will be rolling through the streets on Saturday in what will hopefully look like a roller derby outfit (on a budget). My skates will probably turn up in another post or two over the summer. Thankfully, one of my favourite websites has already got me thinking about roller skating fashion. Hopefully, I can come up with some snazzy roller skating styles without relying solely on American Apparel.

Okay, enough out of me. I’m going to shut this down with a video (from Ange) and send out congrats to Ben, one of the best bloggers this city has got going on, because he is writing a book and that is amazing stuff.

Oh, and welcome back, Ally! I missed you! Can’t wait to go visit the new store, Twisted Muse, with you.

Ally: Vacation was amazing. Our sick baby immediately felt better upon arrival allowing us to spend the week sunning ourselves by the pool whilst reading trashy magazines and novels (El Jeffe read Scar Tissue. I consider that trashy.) It was just what we needed.

Very happy to be back and excited to get back into the blog. Although it looks like L-A has us covered today with a rather epic post. In fact, I think the entire Internets can take a day off. Kidding! I will give you my favourite of the week, however. I might be experiencing a wee bit of a breakthrough with the ol’ crappy music. My brother introduced me to some new tunes when he visited us in beautiful Digby Co. this past weekend. My favourite has to be this:

One comment likened her to Laday Gaga but with talent. Ouch. This is a killer fashion video though, non? So, I was all pleased with myself for listening to some relatively non-crappy-pop and then I saw this:

Note the song at the two minute mark. Also, are we seeing this movie? I loved the book (like every other self absorbed woman on the planet), but not sure I can buy Ju-Ro as the lead. Thoughts?

On another note, stay tuned for a Fabulous Frenchy’s post next week. Also some exciting news about a new campaign for Downtown Halifax. Yes, there will be another awkward video with myself and L-A. You know you love laughing at us.

L-A: Um, so while I like to be as self-absorbed as the next girl, I won’t be in the theatre for Eat, Pray, Love. In fact, I’d rather stick pins in my eyes. I couldn’t even bring myself to read the book. I instantly judged it by it’s cover and I’m okay with that. I’d rather go see this action movie instead. But that’s just me. I do like Ally’s music choice this week though, even if it is in the trailer for the Feel Good Movie of the Year. (this may be a first – other than the Patsy Cline song, I’m not sure I’ve ever like Ally’s music).

7 Comments leave one →
  1. July 23, 2010 9:21 am

    Thanks ladies – I will attempt to do you proud. That…or go down in a great ball of fire/failure worthy of its own theme song.

    • L-A permalink*
      July 23, 2010 9:31 am

      Either way, there will be a box of wine involved when it’s all over. And we will promote the hell out of this book when it’s finished. It’ll be our mission to get you on, at the very least, a Chronicle Herald bestsellers list (New York Times would be fancier…but I’m not sure we’ve got that kind of power. Unless you’re writing about teenaged girls and vampires).

  2. July 23, 2010 9:52 am

    I for one can’t WAIT for Eat, Pray, Love because I loved the book too, but I’m worried because they totally could have ruined it and made it cheesy. However, the director/creator of Glee is directing it so it’s bound to at least been fun and colourful with awesome music! Oh and Ben totally IS one of the best bloggers in town so I can’t wait to read this book! You go Ben – way to rep MSVU PR lol

    • L-A permalink*
      July 23, 2010 10:04 am

      I’ll admit, the movie doesn’t look as cheesy as it could have been…which is saying something from me. And it has James Franco (I’d almost see it for him). I have friends who loved the book and friends who hated it – but it wasn’t my style, so I just avoided it. Which is why I won’t judge it completely – I judged it enough to know I couldn’t read it.

  3. Diana permalink
    July 23, 2010 10:15 am

    Not sure if this will help build a case for or against Eat, Pray, Love but with all of the 90’s talk, and Singles mention I can’t let it go. Did you know a little band called Pearl Jam made a song for the movie? 90’s epitomized. You can listen here:

    And another new song, not Eat, Pray, Love related at all:

    I think my work here is done.

  4. July 23, 2010 11:05 am

    Singles = added to the list. If anyone has other suggestions for explorations of outfits in film, please do send them my way. And thanks for the love. I love love. If I loved exclamation points I would have used them back there.

    Also: I’m super jealous of the fact that you (LA) are rollerskating in the pride parade. Super jealous.

    And also: I think I will be waiting for EPL to come out on DVD, but I’m pretty sure I’ll see it. Probably with my mom.

  5. Rhia permalink
    July 23, 2010 11:58 am

    Oooohhhhhhhhh, I’ve got a brand new pair of roller skates, you’ve got a brand new key…

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