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Can you see the difference (hint: it’s price)

August 29, 2012

L-A: Remember this ad?

Apparently the difference was price. Price is the difference. I mean, why pay more if it’s not going to make your twins look any smarter as they fool themselves into thinking this grocery store modelling gig is going to get them somewhere?

And why pay more for a sweater you’re probably only going to get one season out of?

Because let’s face it, unless you’re super fastidious about storing your clothing (I am not. It’s shameful) or you’re the type to hardly ever wear your favourite new sweater, lest you hitch it on something or spill coffee on it (again, I am not. Less shameful) or you’re against dry cleaning bills (I am not. But I never make it home in time to get to the dry cleaner while it’s open), you’re sweater is going to look way less awesome than the day you first tried it on. It will stretch. It will stain. It will fade. It will catch. It will tear. It will irreversibly wrinkle. It will do all of the above. And you’re stuck with a sweater you can barely give away, let alone offer it up at a garage sale or a consignment store.

Which is why I’m going to help you out.

L-A’s Guide to Cute Sweaters on the Cheap

As I am paying for two rents and just short of a kickstarter campaign to pay for vet bills and wine (the wine is for me, not the cat), the following two sweaters, no matter how cute they are, are not in the cards.

Exhibit A. J.Crew ($90)

Exhibit A. Look at it! All adorable and merino and  dry clean only. This darling will set you back 90 clams.


Exhibit B. Alice + Olivia ($338.55; not sure about Foreign Affair pricing)

Exhibit B. Sequined polka dots! On some kind of nylon/angora/wool/cashmere blend! But adorable! And dry clean only!


Now, if you’re prepared to throw down $300 for a sequined polka dot sweater, then I say all the more power to you. I’m not going to judge. And I won’t judge on the adorbs merino either. But there ain’t no way I can afford either. Which is okay because I have found the solution in one easy sweater. Meet my new favourite sweater:

hey girl, hey. $20 at Old Navy.


Okay, so it’s not the same colours as J.Crew. The grey/pink or navy/red combo doesn’t have quite the same adorableness as the teal/pink, so technically, you can tell the difference. However, as I saved $70 by shopping Old Navy.

And what about the sequined polka dots? Well, meet the exact same sweater style…in polka dots!

Okay, yes. This is green. But I swear they had a white/black polka dot one at the store somewhere in Toronto three weeks ago.

Now, I know it isn’t technically a sequined polka dot sweater. This is where you need to get all PS I Made This on your sweater’s ass. Here’s what you do: buy the sweater, head on over to Michael’s Crafts, get yourself a shitload of black sequins, some black thread and a needle, and get sewing. Even after you purchase all the supplies, you’re still in about $290.

I actually thought about doing this, but I realized two things would happen:

1. I’d get bored and stop half way through, leaving me with either an unwearable half-sequined sweater or what could be classified as a bold statement in fashion, since it’s only half-sequined.

2. That I’d actually finish and ask myself, “where the hell do you wear a sequined polka dot sweater?” and not have a reasonable answer, leaving me with a bedazzled Old Navy sweater I never wear.

But if you’ve got some stick-to-itiveness and enough sewing skills to sew a button on, then fill your boots! (and send me a picture). This is classy bedazzling and y’all need to embrace that. (I’m going to advise against glueing on your sequins. Sure it’s easier and faster, but how do you explain the sequin that just fell into your drink and the one that fell into the middle of the hors d’oeurves?).

10 Comments leave one →
  1. August 29, 2012 7:50 am

    Ahhhh! Off to Old Navy I go. Saving $70 is worth sacrificing a little teal. ON is kind of killing it lately, what with the cute sweaters and the 90210 commercials.

    • la permalink*
      August 29, 2012 8:30 am

      I also got the best denim skirt there – I’d been wanting one for ages and they’re usually waaaay too short. I was pumped and started to question why it’s been years since I’ve been to ON. (I need to go back and find more of those sweaters).

    • Sylvia B. permalink
      August 29, 2012 11:00 am

      I know what I’m doing at lunch!! Love me a heart sweater!!! I might sequin THAT. Boo-yah.

      • la permalink*
        August 29, 2012 11:03 am

        Sequined heart sweater would be the best! (Also, it’s really just the cutest sweater ever. I want to wear it all the time).

  2. Vanessa permalink
    August 29, 2012 7:59 am

    Shh, don’t tell anybody, but I bought the knock off polka dot sweater (in black and white) at Old Navy last week – I had to steal it off the mannequin since it had the only one in my size wrapped around my neck. It’s not cashmere, but it cheaply fills my love of polka dots!

    • la permalink*
      August 29, 2012 8:30 am

      Cashmere is nice and all, but a $20 polka dot sweater is better.

  3. Allene! permalink
    August 29, 2012 11:10 am

    In my opinion, Fall/Winter Old Navy is the best Old Navy. I love their sweaters and they are always so affordable! Last season they had a different version of that heart sweater, grey with a rainbow heart in the middle, which is one of my favourites that I can’t wait to wear when the weather is chilly again!

    • la permalink*
      August 29, 2012 11:35 am

      I think I need to hit them up for a few more fun fall sweaters. I should have done that before singing their praises.

  4. allygarbs permalink
    August 29, 2012 2:20 pm

    We may just have matching sweaters! We actually like the same thing!

  5. Cindy permalink
    August 29, 2012 2:46 pm

    You could just sew a single sequin or a sequin+bead on each polka dot (you know, use the bead a ‘stopper’ to keep the sequin on). That way you can do the job quickly, but still give it a ‘lil sparkle. And agreed that Old Navy has awesome fall gear. I am also currently obsessed with their skinny jeans!

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