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Prom Off: Show us your prom finery

March 2, 2010

L-A: I like to think of the Oscars as Hollywood’s prom. I don’t know what that makes the Golden Globes…the winter semi-formal? Whatever. Let’s just roll with my half-baked analogy (I’ve only had one cup of coffee this morning).  I started thinking this because Ally and I are thinking of putting on our prom dresses (or a Value Village prom dress) and watching the Oscars with a box of wine.

And this got us thinking: why don’t we share our prom dresses with you? Which got us thinking some more: why don’t you share your prom dresses with the internets?

So here it is ladies (and any dude who wore a dress to his prom…or if you wore something other than the standard rental tux):  Send us pictures of your prom finery and we’ll put them on the blog.  We’ll try to make it a contest. The prize might be cookies in the mail or just bragging rights.  You can nominate your dress for a category:

  1. Most Dated (it was awesome in 1986, but gives you embarrassment cringes now)
  2. Most Ugly
  3. Most Regrettable
  4. Most Awesome
  5. Most ____ [make up a category]

Unlike the Oscars, you get to pick your categories. That way we don’t insult you by telling you we think your prom dress is awful, when you think it’s the best thing since sliced bread. Taste is  a funny thing. And we’re not here to judge your taste when you were a teenager. Hell, I wore everything from a plaid mini-dress to a winnie the pooh t-shirt and I had a perm: who the fuck am I to judge teenage you?

Voting will be done by The Academy of FPQT Readers through comments.

Oh, and tell us about your dress. Maybe what you were thinking when you decided that “Yes. This dress will be the crowning moment of my high school career”.  Or tell us about why you regret the dress.  Or write that YM “Say Anything” moment you thought of writing when you were 17 (“like, OMG, my period started and my ‘rent reminded me to bring a tampon” or “My BF totally puked on my shoes”…then again…maybe we should skip the Say Anythings. Unless you’ve got a really good one. If you do, you need to use words such as “OMG” “BF” “BFF” and “‘rents” – just to stay true to the format).

So send us your best prom-ness. We want to see it all. Even this:

and this…

(um…I guess if you’ve got it, you should flaunt it).

p.s. we promise to show you our prom dresses. I’m digging out the pictures and firing up the scanner.

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