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Favourite Friday – January 22nd edition

January 22, 2010

L-A: Actually, today I’m all gloom and doom instead of unicorns and rainbows. There was fashion news  this week that drove me bananas. First there was the Chanel sporting goods I mentioned on Wednesday. And then I read that Alexa Chung is collaborating with Madewell to bring you high-waisted skinny jeans. Awesome. Jeans that only Alexa Chung and Chloe Sevigny can/will wear.  And then I see that  SJP is now a head designer at Halston.  What? Did we learn nothing from the LiLo/Ungaro debacle? Sure SJP is an older, wiser, and sober former child star, but sober and famous are not pre-requisites for a job as a designer.

God, fashion world. Are you trying to make me break up with you?  I’m pretty sure you are.

At least I did come across Shrimpton Couture to cheer me up. Vintage couture and re-worked vintage awesomeness – like Canadian designer Norwegian Wood.  The internets wins again! Bringing me the chance to dream of buying vintage couture (because honestly, telling the husband that I dropped almost a grand on a sweater set would probably send him into cardiac arrest. I don’t think telling him it’s Chanel would help).   But a girl can dream. Bonus points to Shrimpton Couture for being Canadian (and for having an interesting blog).

So I’m going to leave this up to Ally to cheer me up with some kind of crappy pop music video. Make it good AG. Otherwise I will be sending you gloomy thoughts instead of a care bear stare.

AllyG: Cheer you up? CHEER YOU UP? How, my friend, can I CHEER YOU UP when I have seen this:



LEO IS WEARING UGGS. Leo is wearing Uggs at TARGET. WHAT THE EFF? I CANNOT stop LOOKING at LEO wearing UGGS. All I can do is picture him naked wearing nothing but Uggs (aside: I do this from time to time. Picture someone naked except for their shoes to determine whether or not the shoes could indeed “stand on their own” so to speak. So if you ever see me giving my bitch face and looking you up and down, you have failed) and every fantasy I have EVER HAD in the last SIXTEEN years EXPLODES in my FACE.



Don’t call, Leo. It hurts too much.

P.S. I highly recommend this Clinique All About Eyes Concealer. It seems to be the only thing that works after a night of negotiating sleep with BabyG. Cautionary note, don’t use too much. There have been mornings where I slathered it all over my face and ended up looking like a complete moron. I’m not being paid to endorse this, but Clinique can feel free to send me boxloads of the junk (maybe with their cute little makeup bags that they dole out for free gift time? I heart free gift time).


3 Comments leave one →
  1. January 22, 2010 10:39 am

    I just wrote a blog post about the whole LiLo/Ungaro debacle – what a joke and the clothes weren’t even nice. Kind trashy actually, though I suppose that fits LiLo’s esthetic *rolls eyes*

    • L-A permalink*
      January 24, 2010 9:45 pm

      You are so right. That entire Lindsay/Ungaro debacle was a train wreck from start to finish. It was embarrassing to watch.

    • allygarbs permalink*
      January 25, 2010 9:19 am

      I so enjoyed watching Lilo’s “designing” train wreck! Can’t wait for the next line!!

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